InstaMovers Florida is a local company that operates throughout the state of Florida. We are not a franchise and are not affiliated with any other moving company other than ourselves. InstaMovers Florida operates under its own fleet of over 200 trucks, all of which are fluorescent green and adorned with two superheroes. This unique branding makes our company recognizable from afar and thousands of miles away.

We want to clarify that InstaMovers Florida does not belong to, nor is it associated with, any company or corporation that may share a similar name to ours. We are not responsible for any business dealings you may have with a company with a similar name to ours. InstaMovers Florida stands alone and has a unique official website: Our official social media accounts will be listed and published at the end of this message for your recognition and to avoid any confusion.

Furthermore, it should be clear that InstaMovers Florida is not responsible for the business practices of other “companies” operating under the name of InstaMovers. We are not them and have nothing to do with companies with names that contain the same words, letters, or a similar name to ours. If you wish to do business with us, always make sure to contact INSTAMOVERS FLORIDA LLC at 689-254-7987 / 813-522-3544 or via email at or If you do not see the word FLORIDA in our logo, name, estimate, invoice, email, or social media, then it is simply not us and you are dealing with an imitator trying to leverage our experience, trajectory, good reputation, and obtain jobs in an unprofessional and unethical manner.

We greatly appreciate our customers for accompanying us over these long 35 years! We value the trust placed in our company and continue to innovate in the industry to bring the best experience, satisfaction, the best professionals, and the best quality in what you receive from us.